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COVID-19 School Notification - May 13, 2021

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An individual at the Fort McMurray Christian School has been identified as positive for COVID-19. The last possible date of close contact was May 7, 2021.

Since becoming aware of this positive case, the following steps have been taken:

  • School staff have been in contact with all close contacts. 
  • All identified close contacts can return to school on May 22, 2021
  • Alberta Health Services has been  in contact with Division and school staff and have provided recommendations and guidance to limit the spread
  • Email and letters have been sent to all close contacts with additional information regarding self-assessment, testing, and quarantine requirements

This FMPSD custodial staff will continue sanitation practices as per usual. Student and staff health and safety are our priority. We will continue to work diligently with Alberta Health Services.

Thank you for your continued understanding as we navigate this fluid situation.

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