News Release: Home-based learning extended for Christian and Islamic Schools Due to COVID

(Fort McMurray, AB, April 16, 2021) The Christian and Islamic schools have continued to be notified of new positive cases among students and staff over the course of this week. As a result, Fort McMurray Public School Division’s (FMPSD) request to extend home-based learning for both schools was approved by the Ministry of Education. Students and staff will remain at home from April 19-23.
“We appreciate the Ministry’s quick response to our situation, and are grateful for the support,” noted Jennifer Turner, Superintendent, FMPSD.
As these grades continue online learning, the school and Division staff will continue to work out technology-related logistics as needed for students. As before, FMPSD will accommodate any students who cannot find childcare options. Staff not in isolation are able to remain in the building to access teaching materials.
Alberta Health Services will continue to contact parents/guardians of students, as well as any staff who may have been in close contact with any newly identified cases. All students and staff in direct contact have already been notified (via phone/email) and will remain in isolation for the designated amount of time. If you have not received a phone call from the school office your child(ren) is not affected.
We remind parents/guardians of students, as well as any staff member to monitor for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. The Alberta Government, AHS and our school Division and administration are collectively committed to being as transparent as possible in terms of COVID -19 cases and as such we are sharing this information with our school community.
Additionally, as a reminder, if you/your child has any of the symptoms of illness listed on the Alberta Health daily checklist, please fill out the online Alberta Health Services COVID-19 Self-Assessment or call Health Link at 811 and stay home/keep your child at home.
Stay safe, everyone.
For more information, please contact:
Bobbi Compton
Fort McMurray Christian School
David Hurley
Vice Principal
Fort McMurray Islamic School