Let Grow!

Parent Introduction to Let Grow!

We are excited to introduce you to The Let Grow Experience, a journey that promises to be both fun and faith-building. Before we begin, I’d like you to take a moment to reflect on your own childhood. Remember the joy of playing freely, the hours spent absorbed in a hobby, or even the times when things didn’t go as planned, and you had to find a solution—and you did.

In those moments, you were trusted with some independence, and it shaped the person you became. God has wonderfully crafted each of us!  Psalm 139:14 says: "I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Our children, too, are fearfully and wonderfully made, which is this year's storyline/theme in our schoolWe are all designed by God to grow through challenges and to find joy in discovering and using the gifts He has given us. Yet today, for various reasons, many children don’t have as many opportunities to step out on their own and experience this growth.

Without these experiences, it becomes more challenging for them to develop resilience, succeed, and learn how to bounce back from disappointments. The Let Grow Experience is designed to help them discover that same sense of responsibility and trust in the abilities that God has so wonderfully placed within them.

Why is this important?

  • In their free time, children discover their God-given passions and talents.
  • Children who may struggle in school or relationships find joy and relief in activities that are not graded or measured.
  • When we treat children as fragile, we unintentionally hinder their growth.

The Let Grow Experience is a special homework assignment that encourages children to step out and do something new on their own. It could be making breakfast, climbing a tree, or running an errand. The goal is to gently expand the boundaries of their childhood, allowing them to explore, grow, and build confidence in the abilities God has given them.

When children accomplish something new on their own, it brings about incredible results. Both you and your child will experience a boost of confidence, replacing worry with pride and joy. Though it may be challenging to let go, The Let Grow Experience offers that gentle nudge. And, of course, you will work together with your child to decide what their projects will be. Prepare your heart for a moment of pride and gratitude, and thank you for giving your child this wonderful opportunity to grow in both faith and independence.

Please check out this three minute video from the Let Grow Challenge - https://youtu.be/PJeuVMKp-ok

Have nine minutes to spare? check out this news story on Let Grow - https://youtu.be/wwAc0iHLzso

Project Ideas - September and October

September: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Get comfortable with trying out things that “stretch” you, and allow you to be more independent than before. Stepping outside your comfort zone is where the growth happens!

October: Spread Your Wings

How can you extend or build upon what you tried in September for your Let Grow Project? Now that you’ve challenged yourself with something outside of your comfort zone, what comes next? How can you stretch or extend that first Project?

For example, if your first Project was making your own breakfast, you could spread your wings by:

● Making breakfast for your siblings or your whole family.
● Making your own lunch for at least three days in a row.
● Planning dinner, writing the shopping list, and buying the
groceries you need.

PROJECT IDEAS - Ideas List Sept Oct, INDEPENDENCE (Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone, Spread Your Wings)


What's Really Happening When Your Child Does Let Grow Projects...



They will be doing new activities that will:

• spark their interest and help them explore new things
• grow their self-confidence
• increase their self-reliance

They will interact with others, sometimes strangers, which will help them:

• learn to judge when an adult can be trusted
• be more comfortable and confident in public
• build new friendships (like the clerk at your favorite store)
• learn how to handle uncomfortable situations

They will enjoy some freedom to choose and direct their own activity, which helps them:

• develop stronger self-awareness so they can understand and manage their feelings and behavior
• discover new interests and hobbies
• practice self-control and handle frustration
They have the time and space they need to:
• become more mature
• discover their potential to pilot their lives in the direction they want to go