Water 4 Water Challenge!

Check out our Legacy Water Foundation Video put on the Grade 2 FLeX project that the whole school is getting involved with!
This video is highlighting the Water 4 Water Challenge!
The students at Fort McMurray Christian School are concerned about the water crisis around the world. Close to 1 billion people lack access to clean water. We want to do our part in helping those who do not have access to clean water. We are fundraising money to support The Legacy Water Foundation.
The Legacy Water Foundation is a non-profit Christian organization that supports local residents to build wells and fix broken wells so the residence can have access to clean drinking water.
Students will be challenged to replace fruit juice and pop with water from March 22- April 6th. Please support the students at FMCS in making a difference to help provide people with essential clean water to drink.
Join in the challenge and donate the money you save or sponsor a student committed to the challenge. E-transfers can be sent to fundraising@fmcssociety.com, please put WATER 4 WATER in the memo or comments.