Christmas Letter from the Principal

"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6).
As Christians, we celebrate together the birth of Christ and how his birth radically changed the world. I am reminded of what the lyricist Joseph Mohr so elegantly wrote in his Christmas classic, Silent Night:
‘...with dawn of redeeming grace’.
With the birth of Christ we are in an age of ‘redeeming grace’. Celebrating the Nativity of the Lord Jesus gives us the opportunity to once again return to the true spirit and joy of this season and be reminded that as we are saved by grace, we too can extend grace to those around us - even when it is uncomfortable.
At FMCS we strive to meet our students and families where they are at - regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, social class, etc. Together, as a body of Christ, we recognize that we “all have fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23), but because of the birth of Jesus we have a true reason to celebrate this Christmas season as he is our redeemer!
As you gather with your family and friends this season, consider the lights of the Christmas tree and those outside your home as an acknowledgement of the “Light of the World". Allow the light of Christ to be your model in rediscovering your faith, renewing your commitment to Him, and being the salt and light to those in Fort McMurray and beyond. In this age of ‘redeeming grace’, may I encourage you to reach out to the marginalized, to those in need, and to all those whom our Christ came to bear witness to the truth.
May peace, love, and grace be abundant for you and yours this Christmas season and
into 2023.
In Him,
Mr. Geoffrey Bishop