Summer Scavenger Hunt

Fort McMurray Christian School Families,
We are excited to launch our SUMMER SCAVENGER HUNT starting………NOW!!
Here is how it works:
- Remove the school decal from the attached sheet and place it on your vehicle. TIP: The corner or edge of your back window will work best.
- Review the list of items attached. Take a picture of the list with your phone to have it on hand at all times. You won’t want to lose it!
- Look for opportunities to take pictures of the items on the list – all pictures must include the school logo (your car decal) in the image. Pictures may include your kids or family, however are not required to.
Submit your images by email to by September 4, 2021. These can be submitted all at once, or periodically over the summer. Please know that images will be used for a video in the fall for the school and may be used on the school’s social media.
Here is what you could win:
- COMPLETED THE MOST ITEMS: A Fort McMurray Christian School Fleece Blanket
- COMPLETED ONE OF EACH OF THE THROUGHLINES: A theme filled canvas school bag
- POST YOUR PICTURE ON SOCIAL MEDIA with #FMChristianSummerFun and tag the school: A theme filled canvas school bag. Each photo tag qualifies as an entry.
- OUTSIDE THE BOX: If you can think of other examples of a throughline – photograph it with the car decal included and submit it with your explanation for an additional prize.
Note: If there are multiple families who qualify, a draw will be made from all who are eligible for each category.
The year our scavenger hunt theme is The Throughlines!
In 1 Peter 2:9 we are reminded that we are chosen by God and set aside for His purpose. We are set aside, separate and in some translations, a peculiar people. At Fort McMurray Christian School we invite all to explore the role they have in God's Story. Throughlines are based on these roles and help each one of us understand that the gifts and talents that God has given us can be used to build His Kingdom.
We can’t wait to see you again!
School staff and Society