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Let Grow Student Stories and Pictures!

Pictures at the bottom of the article - 
As we head into the Thanksgiving weekend, we are blessed to be part of such a vibrant and supportive school community. This is a time to reflect on the many gifts we have been given—especially the gift of our children, each one fearfully and wonderfully made in the eyes of God (Psalm 139:14). At Fort McMurray Christian School, we see each student as uniquely designed, with their own talents, strengths, and areas for growth.

This belief has been woven into our work with the Let Grow program this fall. September was all about Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone, and this month, we're encouraging our students to take it a step further with the theme of Spreading Your Wings. Now that they’ve challenged themselves with something outside of their comfort zone, what comes next? How can they stretch or extend that experience/project?  As we foster resilience and confidence in our children, we are helping them discover more of who they are and what they are capable of, both inside and outside the classroom.

Over the past few weeks, we've seen some wonderful examples of our students taking steps to get out of their comfort zone. We’re excited to share a few stories with you:

One of our KG students, Sofia, took on the challenge of picking out her own mittens at the till by herself and paying for them. Sofia had been asking her mom to buy her new mittens and her mom agreed to it only if Sofia would go up to the till by herself and pay for her mittens. She is usually a very shy person and her mom wanted to encourage her to not be shy.  She also wanted to make Sofia appreciate her belongings and take care of them properly. By choosing and paying for her mittens, Sofia would have a different value for them.

Sofia said: “It made me happy and very very excited that I paid for it. I loved the fact that I chose my own mittens and I got to pay for it!"

Sofia’s mom said:  “I was trying to teach her the value of things and to make her get out of comfort zone.  After this experience wherever we go she is always asking me if she can pay! This experience has made her be confident in herself.”

In Grade 3, we have Briea, who made an awesome and delicious charcuterie board on her own for the first time!

Briea said: “It was hard work cutting an apple and I am very proud of myself for doing it. It is something that I can do again!”

Briea’s mom said: “My thought was to just be patient and give her the time she needed to make herself this lunch. Growth can’t be rushed. Did she eat lunch with everyone else? No, because she was working so hard. But she was so proud of herself for accomplishing something she hadn’t done before on her own—and she ate all of it, which was a win for her, too.”

Our grade 7 student, Emmanuel, wanted to jump in and help his grandpa build a greenhouse!

Emmanuel said:  It was a lot of fun to learn to use the drill and spend time with my grandpa. We built it to grow strawberries and tomatoes and protect plants from the winter. I had to crawl into a really tight space to drill holes for my grandpa that there was no way he was fitting into!”

Emmanuel’s mom was happy to see Emmanuel jump in and offer to help his grandpa - to witness him say, “I’m in!” 

Our grade 8 student, Raziela, learned how to use the city bus system! Raziela walked from Timberlea to Eagle Ridge with a friend and took the city bus back. 

Raziela said: “I almost went downtown and learned to use a traffic light (don’t judge me!). It felt good to have some freedom and learn the skills to use the transit system.Next time I will bring some water, do it when the weather is nice!

Raziela’s mom was nervous at first since it was her first time taking the bus but very happy in the end that she let her do this.

These stories are just a few examples of how our students are embracing challenges, gaining independence, and growing in character. We have attached some photos capturing their Let Grow moments, and I hope these inspire your family to continue encouraging your child’s journey of growth at home.

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us give thanks not only for the blessings we receive but also for the amazing journey of growth our children are on. May we continue to encourage them to step out, trust God’s unique plan for their lives, and spread their wings, knowing they are fearfully and wonderfully made.

Check out our Let Grow section of the Christian School Website:

Wishing you and your family a restful and joyful Thanksgiving weekend!

Mr. Geoffrey Bishop


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