A Prayer for Truth and Reconciliation

As we embark on this moment of prayer, it is essential to humbly acknowledge the rich diversity within Canada's Indigenous communities. There exist 634 First Nations, encompassing over 50 distinct languages, with each Nation proudly upholding its own unique cultural traditions, political structures, and economic systems. It is equally important to recognize the enduring pain experienced by many Indigenous Peoples.
For those of us who do not share this Indigenous heritage, comprehending the profound impact of Canada's policies on countless generations of Indigenous individuals can be a challenging endeavor.
The report from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) provides us with invaluable insights into the heartfelt concerns of Canada's Indigenous population. The journey toward healing and reconciliation hinges on putting our faith and hope into meaningful action. Our prayer is that our students and families can embrace humility, allowing them to empathize with the suffering of others and be purposeful in their efforts to honor the truth and contribute to a reconciled future.
A Prayer for Truth and Reconciliation
The following prayer was written by Tricia Maughn who was instrumental in writing the prayer guide to accompany the 94 Calls to Action from the TRC Commission. This particular prayer coincides with Call to Action 1: "We call upon the federal, provincial, territorial, and Aboriginal governments to commit to reducing the number of Aboriginal children in care..."
We call upon You, our Father God,
The Lord who loves children, and teaches us to “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14, ESV).
Children are important to You and are created in Your image, O God. We ask that You protect children, and in particular, the vulnerable ones in our communities. Please open our eyes to the distress many are in. Open our hearts to love them the way You love them. Give us courage to do something that will make a difference in the lives of children who are powerless to protect themselves.
If we are not engaged and interacting with children in need, please show us how we can. May we as individuals, as families, and as the body of Christ intentionally love and advocate for the children. We also ask that You will give great wisdom and compassion to all levels of government as they make
decisions regarding the welfare of our children.
You can find the whole prayer guide published by The Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada HERE.
As we pray, may our actions be a testament to our commitment to justice, equity, and a harmonious coexistence with all of God's creation. Together, as one school community, let us seek the truth and reconciliation that embodies the essence of Christian love and compassion.
In Him,
Mr. Geoffrey Bishop