Back to School Important Dates

Back to School Important Dates
Here are the dates for each grade to be back in school. We are not having a staggered entry in the way it has been done in the past.
Wednesday August 16 - Office Opens for Registrations
Thursday August 17 - First Day for Adminstrators/Principal
Monday August 28 - First Day of School for Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 7
Tuesday August 29 - First Day for Grade 2-6, 8&9.
Friday September 1 - Professional Learning Friday - No School for Students
Monday September 4 - Labour Day - School Closed
Tuesday September 5 - First Day for ECDP students (AM Start)
FMPSD Division Calendar
For all important dates in the division for the 2023-24 school year click HERE for a PDF version.