Welcome to the 2022-23 school year at the Fort McMurray Christian School (FMCS)!

We are now entering our 29th year offering Christian Education within Fort McMurray and are excited to welcome everyone back in what will surely be an exciting year. FMCS is a public alternative school within the Fort McMurray Public School District and a member of the Prairie Centre for Christian Education. We value quality Christian education where the Christian worldview provides the foundation for all of our academic and extracurricular programming. We are thrilled to see the students live out their faith in an environment that promotes inclusion, diversity, and personal excellence!
At FMCS our Christian programming is embedded in the Teaching for Transformation (TfT) framework. Through TfT, we seek to help our students understand their part in God's story. Biblical through-lines (God worshippers, image bearers, community builders, servant workers, justice seekers, idolatry discerners, earth keepers, order discovers, beauty creators and creation enjoyers) provide a Christian worldview lens as these are integrated throughout the Alberta Education curriculum. With all of our teachers living out their own Christian faith, it allows them to speak to real-life perspectives in which our students can relate and look up to.
My own personal background includes serving on mission trips in local churches and international organisations throughout North America, Africa and Europe. This is fitting as I step into the role of principal to encourage all of our stakeholders to live out Matthew 5:13-16 and Mark 16:15. Let us consider on a daily basis how we can be salt and light in Fort McMurray and be part of the greater church body both near and far in sharing the message and teachings of Christ.
Part of the FMCS Mission Statement is ‘...to provide an education which allows children to reach their potential: academically, spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically. As a staff, we are honoured to walk alongside your children in their journey of faith and school life. We welcome all students regardless of where they are on that journey as they work towards reaching their full God given potential! Please reach out to either myself or staff if you have any questions regarding the mission and values of FMCS. We believe strongly that FMCS is the place for our students to nurture their faith and teach them how they fit into God’s story.
Finally, on behalf of all of the staff at FMCS we are praying for a year that is full of growth, learning, and fun! I would like to extend a warm invitation for our families to two important events that are coming up:
Wednesday, September 7th from 8:05-8:45 AM we will be having our first Worship Wednesday in the gym. This will be hosted by our Junior High classes. Families are invited to all of our Worship Wednesdays held normally between 8:05-8:35.
Thursday, September 15th from 5:00-7:00 PM we will be hosting our Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Teacher Event. The food will be served during the first part followed by time for parents and guardians to meet their child’s teacher after. We will provide the meat but are asking families to sign up for fruits, veggies, or salads. Look for more information on this next week.
In closing, Romans 12:12 asks us to be in constant prayer. Please pray for our school, staff, students, and community as we begin this new year. Looking forward to meeting you all soon!
In Him,
Mr. Geoffrey Bishop
Fort McMurray Christian School
Fort McMurray Public School District - Treaty 8 Territory
107 Brett Drive, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1V1
Telephone: (780) 743-1079 | Email: geoffrey.bishop@fmpsd.ab.ca
Education Twitter: @GeoffreyBisho10
School’s Website: https://christian.fmpsdschools.ca | Twitter: @ChristianFMPSD @FMPSD | Instagram: @FMPSD |