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Miss Erica McIntyre

Photo of Erica McIntyre

Grade 4 Teacher

My name is Erica McIntyre and I am so pleased to be joining the team at FMCS where I’ll be teaching grade 4. I’m a Maritimer; born and raised in Maugerville, New Brunswick (just outside of Fredericton) and I also spent some years in gorgeous Summerside, PEI. I have a Bachelor of Arts (English + history) and a Bachelor of Education from Crandall University (in Moncton, New Brunswick). Over the past decade, I’ve taught kindergarten and grade 3 in La Crete, Alberta; grades 3-4 in Norway; and high school English / Learning Resource Center in Haiti.

This year, my deep hope for the students is based on Isaiah 61:4 and it's all about renewing, restoring, and rebuilding.  This is the redeeming work Jesus has done in our lives and the work that He calls us to, as believers.  My hope is that as the students learn about renewing, rebuilding, and restoring through our grade 4 curriculum, that we apply this knowledge and go deeper to restore, rebuild, and renew relationships with others in our families, our school, and the wider community.  This fits with our school theme of the year, "We will Go" and in our small way, I believe grade 4 will go into the community and bring the light of Jesus.

I love traveling, learning about new cultures, and connecting with people.  In my free time, I love reading, writing, drawing, and painting.  I also love watching old musicals, reading up on obscure historical events, or listening to podcasts or music as I bake or cook.  My idea favourite ways to stay active are swimming and hiking ... don't worry, I'll be careful of the bears!  My ideal summer vacation is spending time by a lake, white-water rafting on a glacial river, or just spending time with my family.

Looking forward to a great year!