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Mrs. Melissa Russell

Photo of Melissa Russell

Educational Assistant and JH Foods

Phone: 780-743-1079

My name is Melissa Russell. I moved to Fort McMurray in April of 2007 after completing a bachelor’s degree in arts. Since then I have grown to call this place home with my husband and my French bulldog. When I am not working my husband and I like to travel as much as possible to anywhere in the world to be around or near water. Something that I miss dearly from home.

I have been an Educational Assistant since moving here, working in a variety of different positions and grades. This will be my third school year at the FMCS and I am very excited to be part of this school for another year and take in everything the school has to offer. I will be spending the year in the JH classes offering a wide range of support. When I am not offering classroom support I will be in the kitchen instructing Junior High Food Class which I am very excited about. I hope everyone has a great year filled with many blessings!